Five million Sanders supporters are still leaning towards for Gary Johnson. This disrespects Bernie and all he stands for. Not voting for Clinton is a vote against Sanders’ Revolution. That’s why Sanders is stumping for Clinton.
He’s now (Sept 18) in Ohio and making some progress with Elizabeth Warren (CBS News): “The fact that Sanders is actually endorsing her is really important because I wasn’t really the biggest fan of hers but now that I see that he is going out of his way to promote who she is, I think it’s super important,” said Zach Fradette, a 21-year-old student from Westerville, Ohio.
Is Johnson deceptive? He goes after Sanders’ supporters by saying he’s 73% aligned with Sanders. But he never mentions that he can’t stand any of Sanders’ positions that are even slightly related to his democratic socialism. And that’s who Bernie is. That’s how he defines himself. Johnson doesn’t like to talk about the positions I’ve listed, and “73%” makes no sense. So I say, he’s deceptive. (Jill Stein is equally bad and almost as damaging.)
Remember, Al Gore lost Florida by 537 votes. That tipped the electoral college; George Bush won and started the Iraq war. Ralph Nader took 75,000 Democratic votes just in Florida. Those third-party voters gave us Bush and the Iraq war. Many, like Michael Moore, still feel awful about backing Nader. That’s why Michael’s telling Bernie supporters: “You Are Responsible for Getting 50 People to the Polls November 8th to vote for Clinton.”
Gary Johnson Favors:
No minimum wage
Should the government raise the federal minimum wage? “No, and eliminate all federal wage standards.”
No federal health care
“A health care insurance system that is privately owned and managed is the best approach to solving our health care problems.”
No gun control
“Restricting guns makes things less safe, that’s the camp that I’m in.”
No corporate taxes
“I would eliminate corporate tax, income tax and abolish the IRS.”
No net neutrality
“Net neutrality sounds great on paper, but the reality is that it is the start of government control of the Internet.”
Citizens United!
“Any restriction on campaign spending violates the first amendment.”
Johnson describes his health-care plan like this: “We want Stitches-R-Us. We would have Gallbladders-R-Us. We would have advertised pricing with advertised outcomes.” That’s the total opposite of Bernie’s Democratic Socialism.
Johnson’s party, is the party of the Koch brothers
Sanders and Clinton agree on all six of these central points and much, much more. Johnson agrees with the Koch brothers, who are libertarians. David Koch ran for vice president in 1980 on the Libertarian ticket, after helping them get on the ballot in all 50 states for the first time.
Michael Moore on: The Hope and the Danger
People who cast a “protest vote” against Clinton also talk about it. A lot. And this discourages others, and the discouragement spreads across the web. Voting for Johnson instead of Clinton helps Trump, the Republicans and the racist right—no matter where you live. And if Trump wins, third-party voters will have handed the Supreme Court to these reactionary forces for a couple of decades. (Michael Moore: Why Trump Will Win)
And Trump’s international racism and belligerence will spread to other countries. There is really no telling where this will lead. Four years ago, no one thought Trump was possible.
So choose to be a hero, not a spoiler. (Michael Moore: Make Sure Trump Loses)