May 27, 2016. Trump just called off the Bernie-debate, saying: “It seems inappropriate that I would debate the second place finisher” (5pm EST).
Hillary Clinton, the common enemy of Sanders and Trump, unites them in “friendship.” This has been proverbial wisdom since publication in a Sanskrit treatise on statecraft in the 4th century BC. The “debate” is a cover for a joint attack.
The debate demonstrates that Bernie cares nothing about the Democratic party and defeating Trump—unless he can be the one to do it. He’s not a Democrat and never has been.
The “debate” would have been a perfect strategy for Sanders, but with one small danger. He would have needed to disguise the fact that he is using Trump to attack Hillary. In the long-run the big loser would have been the Democrats. (TalkingPointsMemo)
For Sanders:
- It gives Sanders a huge platform for attacking Clinton.
- t gives Trump a huge platform for attacking Clinton as well
- Trump loves many of Bernie’s attacks on Clinton and will use them. Since two opposites agree on this, it “must be true.